Monday, August 22, 2005

Bamboo Beginnings

I leave for China in one week. It's overwhelming to think that in only seven days my life will change completely. It's both exciting and terrifying at the same time. But the Father's filling me with peace and joy and preparing me in every way. I feel that my immune system may be weakening from the recent stress of planning this trip, so I pray that I won't get sick right away when I get there. I am so blessed to have the love and support that I've had. Everything happened so fast, but it's also coming together so well. It's going to be such an awesome life experience, and I know that I'm in good hands. I will miss family and friends SO much, I wish they could all come with me. But how cool is it that I've been given this opportunity! I have to pinch myself sometimes to make sure this is for real. This is for real! Great Scott!!


Anonymous said...

Wowzers! I can't believe you're going either! Way cool that you've started this blog. I love you so much and am super excited for you!!!!! May the peace that passes all understanding gaurd your heart and mind.
Love you!

Anonymous said...

Many people will live vicariously through your experiences in China! Take it all in and remember it all! God has given you many gifts. Many prayers,
Love Breezy

Anonymous said...

Hey, I am sure you have landed safely and hopefully you have recovered from long flight. I am thrilled for you and I can imagine you introducing yourself to your students today. I am sure they will be taken in by your great smile. Just let God's light shine through your wonderful smile and you will be a great teacher.



Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm trusting that All is good and that our father has guided you safely to the community of which you will now begin the next 10 mo. of your life. Make sure you give yourself a pinch or two just to make sure we're all not dreamin':) I love you so much and I am So Super Excited for this next stage of life that you will journey through. I didn't really get to tell you that this weekend b/c of all the blubbering I was doin'. On the way home Sun. I realized how selfish I was being. Please forgive me for the tears of selfishness that have now begun to flow as true tears of joy and total excitement for you!! Make sure you get us an address so I can send a couple pix of Jeff and I.
Fond of the Floater :)