Thursday, December 22, 2005

Christmas Encouragement

I just finished my first class of the day. I had to come and share what happened. They gave me a gift from the whole class: some chocolates. But what touched my heart the most was the letter they included with the gift. I nearly burst into tears reading it. I have to share it with someone! How my students never cease to amaze me. The letter was flawless, putting me to shame with my simple gift of a burned CD of Christmas music. Even with my apologizing that it couldn't be more, they received it graciously and let me know they were satisfied. I opened the gift in class and read the letter out loud. And the letter is what I most want to share with you:

Firstly, we should say, "thank you." Thanks for your smile. The first time we met, we were completely amazed at the smile upon your face, it's so beautiful and attractive that it can brighten up the whole classroom. Then thanks for your sincerity. Each time in class, you seemed always full of energy and passion, which makes the class more interesting and wonderful. Besides, you always talk to us in patience, trying to make us understand each word you said. You're really an excellent teacher and human being. A new year is coming, but this time you are far away from your home town. However, don't feel lonely, you still have us! Happy New Year!
Love from class 26 senior 1

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