I almost thought my identity was stolen the other day. What a weird feeling to think that someone could be using your name and putting you in a pickle. It was a very violating feeling. Luckily it wasn't that, but what it was wasn't fun either. You know how at stores they ask "so you want to save 10% by opening an charge account today and putting your purchase on that?"... so about a year ago I did that, and the $25 charge got misplace and forgotten so that a year later I had to pay almost $200 in interest and late fees. Wow. So annoying. SO because of that my credit, which would have been good, is now not so good, and who knows if they'll approve the car loan. At least the car is finally in my name for Pete's sake. Crazy never ending drama beginning with this car I tell ya.
The coolest part of recent life is I invited my client Hope at cell group. She was really blessed and the Lord did some stuff in her heart. It was awesome. I'm sure it was a tad strange for this 40 year old mother of 6 from Tanzania hang out with group of silly 20+year old white girls. Afterwards when I took her home, she invited me and another girl into her home. We met her entire family and chatted with them. It was really fun. Meanwhile on their TV was african worship music videos... very interesting! I hope she continues to come. She's such a blessing.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Latest Greatest
I am so enjoying life right now. Praise the Lord for this season!
(So if you're feeling sorry for yourself these days, don't you dare read this as you might start to hate me, and I would hate it if you hated me).
I love the fact that I have such diverse coworkers. I love that I get to hang out with people from all over the world every day and see their individual uniqueness. I love that my coworkers love to eat at crazy ethnic restaurants all the time. Today we ate at Holy Land deli, which was this all you can eat buffet of middle eastern foods. Holy batman, was it delicious. And just yesterday as I was getting a smoothy, I noticed next door an Afgani restaraunt. That is so our next food exploration destination.
My clients bring me such joy. They are so beautiful and unique in their own ways. I am learning so much from them, and I hope they from me. It was probably vover 90 degrees yesterday and I said to Marian, "Can I ask you a question? Don't you get incredibly hot wearing the hijab in this heat???" [hijab=head covering]. She said of course she gets unbearably hot. But when she's at home she takes it off, leaving just a scarf covering her hair. I went on to ask why she needs to wear it in the first place, even though I know. It's part of building raport with them, and gaining access into their lives so that I can share Christ.
I must admit to you that I am no evangelist. It is the harest thing for me to share Jesus with especially my Muslim clients. But I purposly want to shove myself into situations where I have oportunities to do so. So far I haven't used the oportunities to their fullest, but I am still not letting myself off the hook. Jesus give me boldness and words and give them firtile hearts and open ears.
I love my clients.
I really want to take some photos with them so i can remember them. I don't know if that is acceptable though. I spose I'll never know til I ask.
My latest great challenge is the lack of air conditioning in this apartment of mine. It is almost unbearable. But I suffered similarly in China, so it's not like I don't think I'll survive.
My latest great accomplishment is that I learned today that out of every job counselor in our agency (including other departments)... I have the highest placement count! That means that out of maybe 30 job counselors I've placed more people at jobs then the rest in the past quarter. That shocks and amazes me. Don't ask me how, I just love my clients and try to do my best for their sake, and also they stinkin rock. So I'm blessed.
My latest great buy is my car! Well, I bought it a while ago, but as of yesterday it is officially mine. After 6 months of waiting for the title crap to happen, it's all good. And the loan is going so smoothly and I'm just as happy as a bunny in a carrot feild.
My latest great hopeful adventure is when Eva my, totally awesome sister, told me she might be going to school in Italy. So I am SO going to visit her. Wow, God is SO cool how He's working all that out for her. It blows me away and I'm pumped.
Better finish cooking up my peppercorn marinated steaks. Yum.
(So if you're feeling sorry for yourself these days, don't you dare read this as you might start to hate me, and I would hate it if you hated me).
I love the fact that I have such diverse coworkers. I love that I get to hang out with people from all over the world every day and see their individual uniqueness. I love that my coworkers love to eat at crazy ethnic restaurants all the time. Today we ate at Holy Land deli, which was this all you can eat buffet of middle eastern foods. Holy batman, was it delicious. And just yesterday as I was getting a smoothy, I noticed next door an Afgani restaraunt. That is so our next food exploration destination.
My clients bring me such joy. They are so beautiful and unique in their own ways. I am learning so much from them, and I hope they from me. It was probably vover 90 degrees yesterday and I said to Marian, "Can I ask you a question? Don't you get incredibly hot wearing the hijab in this heat???" [hijab=head covering]. She said of course she gets unbearably hot. But when she's at home she takes it off, leaving just a scarf covering her hair. I went on to ask why she needs to wear it in the first place, even though I know. It's part of building raport with them, and gaining access into their lives so that I can share Christ.
I must admit to you that I am no evangelist. It is the harest thing for me to share Jesus with especially my Muslim clients. But I purposly want to shove myself into situations where I have oportunities to do so. So far I haven't used the oportunities to their fullest, but I am still not letting myself off the hook. Jesus give me boldness and words and give them firtile hearts and open ears.
I love my clients.
I really want to take some photos with them so i can remember them. I don't know if that is acceptable though. I spose I'll never know til I ask.
My latest great challenge is the lack of air conditioning in this apartment of mine. It is almost unbearable. But I suffered similarly in China, so it's not like I don't think I'll survive.
My latest great accomplishment is that I learned today that out of every job counselor in our agency (including other departments)... I have the highest placement count! That means that out of maybe 30 job counselors I've placed more people at jobs then the rest in the past quarter. That shocks and amazes me. Don't ask me how, I just love my clients and try to do my best for their sake, and also they stinkin rock. So I'm blessed.
My latest great buy is my car! Well, I bought it a while ago, but as of yesterday it is officially mine. After 6 months of waiting for the title crap to happen, it's all good. And the loan is going so smoothly and I'm just as happy as a bunny in a carrot feild.
My latest great hopeful adventure is when Eva my, totally awesome sister, told me she might be going to school in Italy. So I am SO going to visit her. Wow, God is SO cool how He's working all that out for her. It blows me away and I'm pumped.
Better finish cooking up my peppercorn marinated steaks. Yum.
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Business Trip
The last couple days I got to go on my first ever business trip. The best part was hanging out with my coworkers. We have the best department ever. Not all could attend but here are pics of most of us. After conference hours we went bowling, out to eat, and hung out in the hot tub.
The conference itself was interesting. Some of the speakers were relevant to my job, but a few were strange. They actually brought in "famous" motivational speakers who had written how to books with titles like Coping with Change and Finding the Power Inside You. They were very enthusiastic godless "preachers", preaching a gospel for those who need a lift. They sounded just like preachers, I kid you not.. but instead of glorifying God it was all about glorifying yourself. It was very interesting to note the comparisons with preaching and gospel... and how many real preachers that I've heard recently sound just like a motivational speaker with a little dash of God talk... all trying to get a reaction out of the crowd... all using feel-good methods. There is very little difference in the delivery. Very interesting. Oh how people crave the truth and they are seeking... why else would these motivational speakers be so successful. People want to hear a gospel. I thought I'd come away from the conference with more ideas of how to do my job better... I may have gotten a little bit of that. But mostly I came away more aware of the world's need for Truth, Gospel, Motivation, and a Positive Uplifting, all of which can only truly come from knowing Jesus.
The conference itself was interesting. Some of the speakers were relevant to my job, but a few were strange. They actually brought in "famous" motivational speakers who had written how to books with titles like Coping with Change and Finding the Power Inside You. They were very enthusiastic godless "preachers", preaching a gospel for those who need a lift. They sounded just like preachers, I kid you not.. but instead of glorifying God it was all about glorifying yourself. It was very interesting to note the comparisons with preaching and gospel... and how many real preachers that I've heard recently sound just like a motivational speaker with a little dash of God talk... all trying to get a reaction out of the crowd... all using feel-good methods. There is very little difference in the delivery. Very interesting. Oh how people crave the truth and they are seeking... why else would these motivational speakers be so successful. People want to hear a gospel. I thought I'd come away from the conference with more ideas of how to do my job better... I may have gotten a little bit of that. But mostly I came away more aware of the world's need for Truth, Gospel, Motivation, and a Positive Uplifting, all of which can only truly come from knowing Jesus.
The CAREER Staff
Back Row: Diane(Sandstonian), Dagim(Oromo-Ethiopian), Norberto(Peurtorican), Amy(Karen-Burmese). Front Row: Sia(Hmong), Erin(Canadian-American), and some pale creature with a freakishly long neck. Missing: Awil(Somali) and Shuaib(Somali)
Norberto and Dagim. Happy Fellas.
The coolest supervisor!
Sia's showing off her prize (free pop) for scoring a "turkey"... three strikes in a row (can you see the score board?)
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Searching for Truth isn't easy. There are so many things going on that are so widely accepted. I attended a very pentacostally/charasmatic meeting the other night and there were some really weird things that happened that i did not recieve very well. I was hurt and a little confused by the whole thing. It was such a contrast to just the night before that when I was fellowshipping with some totally awesome Jesus Lovers. There were no bells and whistles, no emotion-building gimics... just us a the Lord and it was soooo amazing. Thank you Holy Spirit. The next night was this traveling evangelist trying to spread around this annointing, and dude, it was just so out there for me. So it was so nice tonight because I really wanted to share with my friends who were also there what I thought of the whole thing. It was so so awesome how loving and understanding they were. They didn't think less of me for taking offense at the goingons. They totally understoon where I was coming from and gave me great counsel. They said they too get offended by things, but we have a choice to build a wall and judge and let that thing that rubs us the wrong way keep us away. or we can pray for the person or situation that's making us uncomfortable. our attitude should always be that of prayer. So i do pray.
God is so cool. I absolutely am in awe at how he is answering prayers i've prayed for years... to really know him. it's taken so long. so long to come to this point. and i know so well that i have so far yet to go. it's a weird place where im' at. I feel as though i've started at the beginning of this walk. I want to learn how to do the most basic things like pray and read the Bible... cuz somewhere in the religion I never REALLY learned to do that. I want to do it for real. I want to do it out of pure love for Jesus. I am at the beginning. Everything I ever learned about God or whatever, I want to relearn but in a more real way... not just a theological subject full of doctrine and man made terminology etc... i want to know him for real. for real.... what that looks like, im not sure. it might get weird... but if its Him and if its for real, then bring it on.
God is so cool. I absolutely am in awe at how he is answering prayers i've prayed for years... to really know him. it's taken so long. so long to come to this point. and i know so well that i have so far yet to go. it's a weird place where im' at. I feel as though i've started at the beginning of this walk. I want to learn how to do the most basic things like pray and read the Bible... cuz somewhere in the religion I never REALLY learned to do that. I want to do it for real. I want to do it out of pure love for Jesus. I am at the beginning. Everything I ever learned about God or whatever, I want to relearn but in a more real way... not just a theological subject full of doctrine and man made terminology etc... i want to know him for real. for real.... what that looks like, im not sure. it might get weird... but if its Him and if its for real, then bring it on.
Saturday, June 02, 2007
My Two Lives
I had a great time fishing over Memorial Day weekend. The fish were small, but they were biting. It was the most fish I've caught in my life. What fun. I was proud of myself for being out there on my own, stabbing the poor worms with the hooks, reeling in the fish with the Mickey Mouse fishing pole I had, taking the hooks out of the fishes mouths, fillet-ing fish, and of course cooking them up for dinner. Dad did most of the fillet-ing but I did my best!
Sometimes I feel like I have two very different lives that I live. When I'm up North at my folks, I am more of a tomboy, fishing, destruction, construction, painting, gardening, digging up worms, wearing tool belts, etc. And I'm totally loving being outside or using my hands and doing some real labor. I don't worry about what i wear so much and jeans and grubbies are so comfortable.
Then when I'm in the cities I'm sitting at a computer, I worry about how i look, I talk a little differently (less red neck ha ha), I shop, I am more lazy, I am more of a sissy. I miss my grubbies. But I do love my job.
Today I went to the dentist to have a cavity filled. Since it was right around lunch time I was so hungry afterwards. I know you're supposed to wait before you eat, but man I was hungry and there was free pizza at our staff meeting. So I ate some pizza. Unfortunately, I was chewing on my lip as well... the Novocaine was still at work. I didn't notice I had chewed up my lip til I tasted blood. It was gross. So now I have a fat lip. I went home early cuz not only was I embarrassed, but my lip is really ugly, and the Novocaine is wearing off so I can feel my tooth and it's sore and its giving me a headache. ugh. bad day. at least the allergies are not killing me like the were earlier. and now... since I'm on a role with feeling sorry for myself... now i have the hiccups. I'm gonna go home to mommy now.
See I told you I was a sissy when I'm down here.
Sometimes I feel like I have two very different lives that I live. When I'm up North at my folks, I am more of a tomboy, fishing, destruction, construction, painting, gardening, digging up worms, wearing tool belts, etc. And I'm totally loving being outside or using my hands and doing some real labor. I don't worry about what i wear so much and jeans and grubbies are so comfortable.
Then when I'm in the cities I'm sitting at a computer, I worry about how i look, I talk a little differently (less red neck ha ha), I shop, I am more lazy, I am more of a sissy. I miss my grubbies. But I do love my job.
Today I went to the dentist to have a cavity filled. Since it was right around lunch time I was so hungry afterwards. I know you're supposed to wait before you eat, but man I was hungry and there was free pizza at our staff meeting. So I ate some pizza. Unfortunately, I was chewing on my lip as well... the Novocaine was still at work. I didn't notice I had chewed up my lip til I tasted blood. It was gross. So now I have a fat lip. I went home early cuz not only was I embarrassed, but my lip is really ugly, and the Novocaine is wearing off so I can feel my tooth and it's sore and its giving me a headache. ugh. bad day. at least the allergies are not killing me like the were earlier. and now... since I'm on a role with feeling sorry for myself... now i have the hiccups. I'm gonna go home to mommy now.
See I told you I was a sissy when I'm down here.